Wednesday, July 1, 2009

TRANSFORMERS : Revenge of the Fallen

Transformers : Revenge of the Fallen (TGV Sunway Piramid)
Orang2 yg terlibat: Aku, Acap Milo, Byd, Aizat Jacko, Kong, Kong's friend, n Sora

Watch it 2 times already, and mayb in the future.. I'll watch it a couple more times. huhuhuuu....

Last Saturday, was a very enjoying day, although Im working half day, after working, I manage to ask my utp friend, Mr Asyraf aka Acap Milo to meet me and join us. My agenda after work is playing the PSP with Kong n Sora. We were hunting monsters.. huhu. With Acap joining, 4 of us play Dota Warcraft at FTZ instead. We played 3 games and loses all. huhu... (Mana taknye, suma da lama tak men kot game tu)

At 7pm, we stopped and head to Sunway Piramid, we are watching Transformers and Byds, Aizat, Nina & Patrick is joining. (Nina & Patrick cancelled last minute). So.. its 7 of us including Kong's friend who also joins our "Nengok Transformers Ramai2" group. So wat happen to Nina & Patrick's ticket, I think Kong manage to sell it to two desperate strangers. Hohoooho..

WARNING : Spoiler Ahead.. Read at Your Own Risk

The movie start at 17,000 B.C where some robot aliens visited earth and killing the humans.(Funny that at this time, tigers exist.. lol)

Then citer start kat Shanghai d mana pasukan NEST (terdiri dari faction Autobots ngan askar elite US) tgh memburu saki baki Decepticons. Aku suka part robot Decepticon yg bapak besar gila tu tgh nak melarikan diri. Then citer dia tertumpu kepada Sam Witwicky yg tgh bersiap nak masuk kolej n tinggalkan awek dia yg cun tu.. Mikela aka Megan Fox. Nak dijadikan citer, satu serpihan AllSpark jatuh dari jacket c Sam nie n accidently Sam telah mendonlod information2 Alien Robot dari serpihan tu.

Bila Sam sampai ke kolej, macam2 berlaku, ade awek cun tetiba gila sangat kat dia (seriously, this chick is hot.. but to bad shes a Decepticon), Sam kena culik dan hampir d bunuh Megatron (yes.. Decepticon manages to revive back Megatron), dan Optimus Prime mati masa nak selamatkan dia. Aku suka part Optimus lawan 3 Decepticon dlm hutan tu.. fight scene tu mmg best gilaa. Optimus VS Megatron + StarScream + Blackout.

Citer dia meleret2 sampai laa ke Egpyt di mana Sam kena carik Key of Matric (kalau tak silap la).. tuk revive Optimus. Time part nie laa dpt tgk kehebatan action scene, cgi effect, adegan2 letupan, dan pertempuran yg best antara Decepticon ngan Autobots. Time nie gak dpt tgk kemunculan JetFire, Devastator (robot nie besar gilaa sbb terhasil dari cantuman daripada beberapa robot2 Decepticon) dan The Fallen. Fallen nie mmg best power dia, bleh teleport ngan mengawal graviti kut.

Nak tau lebih lanjut, kena tgk laa movie nie.. aku baru citer skit kut. Byk lagi tak ckp kat sini. So, mmg kena tgk la movie nie.. tak kira laa tak suka ke tak best ke, yg penting dapat tgk n tau camna movie nie. Aku da tgk 2 kali tau.. haha.

Awesome Decepticon Cheetah

Review aku:
Movie nie mmg aku tertunggu2 da masa dorang sibuk buat pengambaran. Bagi aku lah... movie nie mmg gempak gilaa effect n action scene dia. Aku mmg teruja habis. Part2 yg aku suka time robot2 nie tgh transform, tgh berlawan, time Optimus lawan 3 Decepticon, time Decepticons tgh carik Sam tuk dapatkan kunci Matric tu, time Devastator tgh cantum n time Optimus dah revive n dpt upgrade menjadi kuat ngan part2s dari JetFire. Macam anime Gundam plak aku tgk Optimus dah gabung2 tu then dpt terbang. So far, dari segi actions ngan cgi effect dia.. movie nie mmg paling gempak gila.

Tapi..... tetapi movie nie ade gak kelemahan dia. Betul cakap Sora, plot movie nie tak berapa ngam aku rasa. Firstly, yg aku tak puas hati minah cun yg tergila2 kat Sam time kat kolej tu. Actually shes a Decepticon robots.. but this robot can transform into human form?? WAT DA HELL?????? Macam terminator campur species plak aku rasa. Bleh ke robots transform into a bio form?? bleh ke camtu?? Why Sam didnt tell Optimus that he got a piece of Allspark when he meet Optimus??? Why when a piece of Allspark can revive Megatron, Sam didnt do the same with his to Optimus?? Kenapa dia nak susah2 carik JetFire n revive dia plak?? Kenapa kononnye JetFire yg dah milenia tahun lamanya ade kat bumi nie transform jadik Jet pejuang yg berada dlm muzium?? Byk part dlm citer tu aku tak faham n tak puas hati...

But mostly, untuk sequal Transformer nie.. aku expect Decepticons yg akan menang the wars.. ye lah, tgk je movie title... Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Tapi malang, dalam movie nie.. biarpun faction Decepticons banyak yang datang ke bumi, mereka masih tidak dapat melawan Autobots ngan tentera US tu. Pesal lemah tull Megatron n pengikut2 dia nie??? I expect that Decepticons will overwhealm the Autobots and win the war. Then, Michael Bay will continue the story in the 3rd movie. hehehee... Too bad.

This movie could easily get a full 5star from me, but with the lame plot, confusing story line (to me laa) and constant loses of Decepticons to the Autobots.. I gave it 4star... The actions and cgi graphic really helps in this film. huhu.

4 bintang dari aku..

edited: found this link today that can help me justify what is the confusing part of the movie. 10 Burning Questions on Transformers : Revenge of the Fallen
ps: sory bahasa aku rojak, saja nak improve skit Inggeris aku.
credit: picture downloaded from

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