Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Argh... tension

Damn ....

FUCuK betul... seriously. FC#K. Im begining to hate my cousin these days. My cousin Razak like to hang around at my home these days. He actually stays at my Aunt's house
and have a part time job with my aunt's bro in law.

Why I hate him?? Here I am working my ass out in the office, and Razak happily playing my PS3 at home, enjoying the games, using my PC to surf net and watch movies. Probably he is playing MW2 right now. A shit player, noob... i wonder how many death streaks he achieve using my account. Damn.

Although he does help me with the house choures, but hanging out there for almost 3days straight makes me loose my nerve. He doesnt work??? Hei Razak, go to auntie's house la.. work. I dont want to see ur happy face in my house playing my PS3. Go work and buy one for urself.

Yes... aku BuTTHurt!!


Aslina said...

tu laa... aku suh letak ps3 tu kat umah aku je taknak... hahaha... kalo letak kat umah aku ni pun bagus... jadik hiasan je pasal semua orang bz nak hadap mende alah tu...

chill la bro... =)

profwacko said...

Huhu... aku dah cool.
Dia dah blah dari rumah. Ade kerja.

fhunky-fhinky said...
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fhunky-fhinky said...


lu jgn marah cmni...meh bagi PS3 tu kat gua jap...

p/s: lawa banner...

Hazzy Ishak said...

lempang sebiji...tapi dah tak sempat.

Yis said...

muahahahahahahah ps3 punya pasal boleh bikin orang mengamuk owww. hahaha suruhhh dia kerjaaaa lahhh. satu bulan di SR bleh beli satuu